Pine Bark Extract Powder

Product Description

Pine Bark Extract Powder: Product Introduction

Pine Bark Extract Powder is a high-quality characteristic supplement inferred from the internal bark of the pine tree, particularly the Pinus pinaster species, commonly known as the Sea Pine. This extricate is gotten through a fastidious prepare that incorporates the gathering of the bark, taken after by a specialized extraction strategy that utilizes water or solvent-based methods to concentrate the useful compounds. The essential fixings in the item are oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), which are a strong bunch of cancer prevention agents known for their health-promoting properties. The generation handle guarantees that the extricate keeps up a tall concentration of these dynamic compounds, making it a capable supplement for different applications.


The following table outlines the specifications of Pine Bark Extract Powder:

Specification Details
Botanical Source Pinus pinaster (Maritime Pine)
Active Ingredient Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs)
Appearance Light brown powder
Extraction Method Aqueous or alcohol-based extraction
Assay (OPC Content) ≥ 95%
Mesh Size 100% through 80 mesh
Bulk Density 0.3 - 0.5 g/cm³
Moisture Content ≤ 5%
Heavy Metals ≤ 10 ppm
Microbial Limits Meets USP standards
Shelf Life 2 years when stored in a cool, dry place


Pine Bark Extract Powder is eminent for its tall concentration of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), which are effective cancer prevention agents. These cancer prevention agents are known to combat oxidative push and neutralize free radicals, subsequently securing cells from harm. The OPCs in the item have been appeared to back cardiovascular wellbeing by progressing blood circulation and reinforcing blood vessels. This can contribute to diminished blood weight and upgraded in general heart function.

Additionally, Pine Bark Extract Powder has illustrated adequacy in advancing skin wellbeing. The cancer prevention agents in the extricate offer assistance to ensure the skin from natural harm, decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and bolster collagen generation, driving to a more energetic complexion. Moreover, the extricate has been connected to enhancements in cognitive work, with inquire about recommending that it may upgrade memory and mental clarity.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the item moreover make it advantageous for overseeing persistent conditions related with aggravation, such as joint pain. By decreasing irritation, the extricate can offer assistance ease joint torment and firmness, progressing in general versatility and quality of life.

Application Areas

It is versatile and finds applications across various industries due to its health benefits. In the dietary supplement sector, it is used to formulate capsules, tablets, and powder blends aimed at enhancing cardiovascular health, supporting cognitive function, and promoting skin vitality. Its high antioxidant content makes it a valuable ingredient in anti-aging supplements and wellness products.

The extract is also gaining traction in functional foods and beverages, where it is incorporated into health drinks, energy bars, and nutritionally enhanced snacks. Its natural antioxidant properties align well with the growing consumer demand for functional and health-promoting food products.

In summary, Pine Bark Extract Powder is a premium natural ingredient with a multitude of health benefits and versatile applications. Its high OPC content, combined with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular support properties, makes it an excellent choice for dietary supplements, cosmetics, functional foods, and more.